儿童脑内小脓肿临床上较为常见,而多以癫痫为首发症状,以往由于对本病的认识不足,常易误诊。自从CT问世以来。脑内小脓肿的诊断率大大提高。我院1988~1995年共收治儿童脑内小脓肿52例,现分析如下。 1 临床资料 1.1 一般资料:本组52例,男32例,女20例。<7岁13例,~14岁39例,最小年龄3岁。从发病到就诊的时间,最短半小时,最长2年,<1个月38例,~3个月10例,~6个月3例,2年1例。入院前均行抗感染
Small brain abscess in children with clinical more common, and more epilepsy as the first symptom, in the past due to lack of understanding of the disease, often misdiagnosed. Since CT came out. Small brain abscess diagnosis rate greatly increased. Our hospital from 1988 to 1995 were treated 52 cases of small brain abscess in children, are analyzed as follows. 1 Clinical data 1.1 General Information: The group of 52 patients, 32 males and 20 females. <7 years old in 13 cases, ~ 14 years in 39 cases, the youngest age of 3 years. From onset to treatment time, the shortest half an hour, a maximum of 2 years, 38 cases of <1 month, ~ 3 months in 10 cases, ~ 6 months in 3 cases, 2 years in 1 case. Pre-admission line anti-infection