Renewal of Ancient Road

来源 :China's Foreign Trade | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jackzeng6699
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【正】The ver y mention of Silk Road evokes memories of the good old times for the western region of China.In times past,countless hardy and courageous merchants used their camels to carry silk,fine chinaware and tea and ventured warily along a series of anc
古代“公务员”职业没有失业保障、没有连续工龄、也没有情义体恤,可以说是一个含金量较低的“瓷饭碗”。有人做过统计:西汉时丞相一职的平均任期才四年多,东汉时三公的平均任期不到两年半。朝廷要官尚且如此,以下的自然就更惨了,动不动就会打破饭碗。他们做官时尚且如此仓皇,退休后就显得更加凄凉了    唐代宪宗时,颜真卿的外孙韦丹在江西任观察使,常与隐居在庐山的高僧灵澈上人吟咏唱和。有一天,韦丹派人给灵澈送去一
Fancy Story Need to be down to Earth
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【正】Arable land contaminated by heavy metals across China will be withdrawn from ag-ricultural production,said a senior Chinese agricultural official.Agricult