,Prioritizing natural-selection signals from the deep-sequencing genomic data suggests multi-variant

来源 :国家科学评论(英文版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:gaoHolly
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Human genetic adaptation to high altitudes (> 2500 m) has been extensively studied over the last few years,but few functional adaptive genetic variants have been identified,largely owing to the lack of deep-genome sequencing data available to previous studies.Here,we build a list of putative adaptive variants,including 63 missense,7 loss-of-function,1,298 evolutionarily conserved variants and 509 expression quantitative traits loci.Notably,the top signal of selection is located in TMEM247,a transmembrane protein-coding gene.The Tibetan version of TMEM247 harbors one high-frequency (76.3%) missense variant,rs116983452 (c.248C > T;p.Ala83Val),with the T allele derived from archaic ancestry and carried by >94% of Tibetans but absent or in low frequencies (< 3%) in non-Tibetan populations.The rs116983452-T is strongly and positively correlated with altitude and significantly associated with reduced hemoglobin concentration (p =5.78 × 10-s),red blood cell count (p =5.72 x 10-7) and hematocrit (p =2.57 x 10-6).In particular,TMEM247-rs116983452 shows greater effect size and better predicts the phenotypic outcome than any EPAS1 variants in association with adaptive traits in Tibetans.Modeling the interaction between TMEM247-rs 116983452 and EPAS1 variants indicates weak but statistically significant epistatic effects.Our results support that multiple variants may jointly deliver the fitness of the Tibetans on the plateau,where a complex model is needed to elucidate the adaptive evolution mechanism.
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摘要:本文阐述了大学生生态道德教育的价值诉求,在分析大学生生态道德教育内容的基础上,进而提出加强大学生生态道德教育的路径:利用课堂载体、校园文化建设、社会实践来进行生态道德教育,培育大学生的生态道德素质,为生态文明的建设造就可持续发展的人才。  关键词:生态文明; 高校; 生态道德教育  中图分类号: G417 文献标识码:A文章编号:1672-9749(2009)06-0099-03    高校
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