“重塑科学精神”这一口号,在刚刚结束的“学科发展与科技进步研讨会”上作为几项要点之一被再度提出。 由中国科协组织的这个研讨会,荟萃了全国各学科近千名优秀科学家和科技管理专家。针对目前健立和完善社会主义市场经济过程中各种思潮的猛烈撞击,大会主报告中专门辟出《弘扬科学精神》一章,并从科学思想、科学方法和科学家的价值观念及行为规范3个方面进行了具体阐述。 报告说,科学的本质是批判的,革故鼎新是科学的生命,墨守成规、亦步亦趋意味着科学生命的终结,科学思想即在于创新性、革命性;科学研究是艰苦严肃的事业,任何哗众取宠、粉饰夸大、拼凑编造、抄袭剽窃,都是科学研究的致命伤。科学的求实精神不仅是对科学界而言,全社会都应树
The slogan of “Reshaping the Spirit of Science” was reiterated as one of several key points at the just-concluded “Symposium on Disciplinary Development and Scientific and Technological Progress”. This seminar, organized by the China Association for Science and Technology, brings together nearly a thousand outstanding scientists and technology management experts from all disciplines across the country. In response to the violent impact of various currents of thought in establishing and perfecting the socialist market economy, the main report of the congress devoted a chapter entitled “Promoting the Spirit of Science” and from the perspectives of scientific thinking, scientific methods and scientists' values and codes of conduct 3 A specific aspect of the elaboration. The report said: The essence of science is critical. Revolution is a scientific life. Being sticky to the rules and keeping pace means the end of science life. That is, scientific thinking is innovative and revolutionary. Scientific research is a hard and serious undertaking. Anyone who calls the public for grandstanding, Patchwork, plagiarism plagiarism, are all fatal injuries of scientific research. Scientific and realistic spirit is not only for the scientific community, the whole society should be tree