收买、培植、利用汉奸 ,“以华制华” ,是日本帝国主义在侵华战争中的罪恶伎俩 ,肃清汉奸是中华民族抗战的有机组成部分。抗战时期 ,毛泽东对肃奸有系统而深刻的认识 :汉奸是中国革命的主要敌人之一 ,肃奸是抗战胜利政治上的必须条件 ;对汉奸要区别对待 ,打击首要 ,争取协从 ;?
The acquisition, cultivation, use of traitors, and “suppression of foreign affairs by China” are the evil tricks of the Japanese imperialists in the invasion of China. Eliminating traitors is an integral part of the Chinese nation’s war of resistance against Japan. During the war of resistance against Japan, Mao Tse-tung systematically and deeply realized that the traitors were the traitors. Traitor was one of the main enemies of the Chinese revolution. It was a necessary political condition for the victory of the anti-Japanese war. Traitors should be treated differently, cracked down on primary issues, and strived for cooperation.