电影《千钧一发》(Gattaca)是安德鲁·尼克尔(Andrew Niccol)于1997年自编自导的科幻电影,影片展示未来人类社会已经变成由优生学主导的生物朋克社会,在这个社会里,胎儿必须通过基因加工才能出生,以确保他们没有基因缺陷。影片主人公文森特·弗里曼(Vincent Freeman),是一个没有经过基因优选而自然出生的人,尽管他的基因存在缺陷,却怀有成为宇航员的梦想。于是,他找到了具有优秀基因,但却因车祸而瘫痪的杰罗姆·尤金·莫罗(Jerome Eugene Morrow),使用他的尿样和血样进行替换,通过层层考验,最终实现自己的梦想,飞向太空。从生态批评的视角看来,影片探讨了因基因缺陷导致的歧视问题,科学对生态的影响,从生命伦理的角度看,该影片还反映了尊重自然,尊重每一个自然状态下出生的生命等生态价值观。
The movie “Gattaca” is a science fiction film authored by Andrew Niccol in 1997 and shows that in the future, human society has become a bio-punk society dominated by eugenics, where fetuses Genes must be genetically engineered to ensure they are free of genetic defects. Vincent Freeman, the protagonist of the film, is a naturally born person who has not been genetically optimized for his dream of becoming an astronaut, despite its flaws. So he found Jerome Eugene Morrow, a man with a good gene that was paralyzed by a car accident, using his urine and blood samples to replace it and finally to get his Dream, fly to space. From the perspective of ecocriticism, the film explores the issue of discrimination caused by genetic defects and the ecological impact of science. From a bioethical point of view, the film also reflects the respect for nature and the life born in each natural state, etc. Ecological values.