运用赏石五要素 提高鉴藏观赏石水平

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“形、质、色、纹、肤”是观赏石鉴识评判的五个基本要素。很多初入门的奇石爱好者,甚至包括一些玩石有年头的玩家,在挑选奇石的时候,面对大大小小、形状各异的石头,常常会感到眼花缭乱、一头雾水,分不清何为精品、何为粗货。买的时候很 “Shape, quality, color, pattern, skin ” is the five basic elements of ornamental stone identification. Many early entry of rock fans, and even some of the players who play stone for years, in the selection of rocks, the face of large and small, different shapes of stone, often feel dazzling, confused, can not tell what is Fine, what is the coarse goods. When buying very
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