在医学科学领域中,苏联把营养学放在优先的位置,把它视为公共卫生计划的重要组成部分,但是在60年代以前,苏联的营养研究在国际上并不引起重视,发表的论文缺少数据,实验设计不完善,研究结果不可靠。由于强调实用,营养研究常常显得很平淡,在生物化学和生理学与营养的结合上存在着不足。但60年代起,苏联的营养研究就有了明显的进展。 1964—1976年苏联营养研究所所长Покровский不仅是一位医学科学博士,而且还是苏联陆军医学部的上校军官,曾是苏联医学科学院的通讯院士,军事医学中心科学研究试验所副所长,基洛夫军事医学院教授。在这期间,营养研究所进行了大量的军事营养研
In the field of medical science, the Soviet Union gave priority to nutrition and regarded it as an important part of public health programs. However, before the 1960s, the nutrition research in the Soviet Union did not attract international attention and the published papers lacked Data, experimental design is not perfect, the research results are not reliable. Due to the emphasis on practicality, nutrition research often seems dull, and there is a deficiency in the combination of biochemistry and physiology with nutrition. But since the 1960s, there have been marked progress in the nutrition research in the Soviet Union. 1964-1976 The director of the Institute of Nutrition, Покровский, was not only a doctor of medicine but also a colonel officer of the Soviet Army Medical Ministry. He was a communication fellow of the Soviet Academy of Medical Sciences and deputy director of the Scientific Research Laboratory of the Military Medical Center. Professor of military medical school. During this period, the Institute of Nutrition carried out a large number of military nutrition research