凡是旅行的人都有写日记的习惯.日记既可以寥寥数行记载一天的大事,也可以长篇累牍地描写旅人的所见所闻、印象和感受。我的日记就是介于这两者之间. 我躺在马德拉斯的康尼马拉的旅馆床上,随意选择了1956年的8月8日这一天,试图借助于我的记忆把那天的经历重新回忆起来。莫斯科晨六时起床,我再度提醒自己每天晚上临睡以前一定要把窗帘拉上,这样我早晨至少可以睡到七点半钟再起身。可是,每到晚间,我就忘记了。我每天晚上很少在深夜两点钟以前回来,回来的时候总是疲倦不堪,把衣服一扔就倒在床上睡了。另外一个原因则是莫斯科的一望无际的灯光辉煌的夜景太美了,它可以使我酣然入睡。我住的房间是在乌克兰大旅馆的23层高楼上,过去我从来没有住过这
Everyone who travels has a habit of writing diaries, which can record the day’s events in a few lines, or describe the travelers’ thoughts, impressions and feelings in a long way. My diary is between the two.I lay on the bed of Connemara’s inn in Madras and chose the day of August 8, 1956, trying to use my memory to put that day’s Experience recalled. When I got up in the morning at 6 am in Moscow, I remind myself once again that I have to pull the curtains before going to sleep every night so that I can sleep at least until half past seven in the morning and get up again. However, every night, I forgot. I rarely came back two o’clock in the evening every night, always tired when I came back, and fell on my bed when I fished my clothes. Another reason is that the endless night light of Moscow is so beautiful that it makes me sleep soundly. The room I live in is on the 23-storey tower of the Grand Hotel Ukraine, I have never lived in this