
来源 :中国公共卫生管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:fch_ray
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目的探索疾病预防控制机构重大食物中毒现场应急处置能力评价方法,促进疾病预防控制机构应对突发公共卫生事件能力的提高。方法通过专家咨询法确定考核评价指标体系,模拟重大食物中毒事件现场,采用问答、实际操作、查看记录和报告等方式进行综合评价,对7个区级机构的现场应急处置能力进行了考核排序。结果确定了4大类22项评价指标,现场应急处置能力考核排序的前三位分别是福田区疾控中心、龙岗区疾控中心、南山区疾控中心。结论此次建立的重大食物中毒现场应急处置能力评价方法较全面、科学,可操作性强,能客观反映各区疾病预防控制机构在处理重大突发公共卫生事件中的优势与不足。 Objective To explore the evaluation method of emergency response capacity of major food poisoning agencies in disease prevention and control institutions and to promote the ability of disease prevention and control agencies to deal with sudden public health emergencies. Methods The assessment index system was determined through expert consultation, and the scene of major food poisoning events was simulated. Comprehensive evaluation was conducted by means of question and answer, actual operation, record keeping and reporting, and the on-site emergency response capability of 7 district-level agencies was examined and ranked. The results identified 22 major categories of 22 indicators of assessment, on-site emergency response capacity assessment ranking the top three were Futian CDC, Longgang CDC, Nanshan CDC. Conclusion The evaluation method of on-site emergency response capability for major food poisoning cases established in this study is more comprehensive, scientific and operable. It can objectively reflect the strengths and weaknesses of CDC institutions in handling major public health emergencies.