杂交水稻的制种,由于受气候条件的影响,年度之间产量差异较大,往往造成生产上种子余缺现象。所以,杂交水稻陈种在生产上应用,对于稳定杂交水稻种植面积,减少种子积压,促进粮食稳产高产均有积极意义。 1.产量:1986年由浙江省种子公司在全省各地统一布点,对杂交水稻汕优6号新陈种子、不同年份和不同贮藏方式进行对比试验。据温州、杭州、绍兴、金华、丽水、台州等8个点的试验结果,新
Hybrid rice seed production, due to the impact of climatic conditions, large differences between the annual yield, often resulting in the production of seeds remaining vacancy phenomenon. Therefore, the application of hybrid rice seeds in production has positive significance for stabilizing the acreage of hybrid rice, reducing the backlog of seeds and promoting the stable and high yield of grain. 1. Production: 1986 by the Zhejiang Province seed companies throughout the province unified distribution point, the hybrid rice Shanyou 6 new seeds, different years and different storage methods were compared. According to Wenzhou, Hangzhou, Shaoxing, Jinhua, Lishui, Taizhou and other eight points of the test results, the new