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公元前287年,阿基米德出生在西西里岛东南端的叙拉古城。他曾跟随许多名家学习,其中包括著名的几何学大师欧几里得。阿基米德在数学、物理学等许多领域都获得了令同时代科学家高山仰止的成就。在阿基米德的一生中,有许多脍炙人口的智慧故事。其中,最有名的莫过于他发现浮力的故事。当时叙拉古的国王是赫农王,他请工匠打造了一个纯金的王冠,但国王怀疑金匠在金冠中加入了其他的金属,于是下令让阿基米德查清金冠是否纯金。 In 287 BC, Archimedes was born in the ancient city of Syra, southeast of Sicily. He has studied with many famous people, including the famous geometric master Euclid. Archimedes has achieved the accomplishments of contemporary scientists in many fields of mathematics and physics. In Archimedes' life, there are many popular wisdom stories. Among them, the most famous is his story of buoyancy found. At that time, the king of Syracuse was King Heon. He asked the artisans to build a crown of pure gold, but the king suspected that the goldsmith added other metals to the crown, and ordered Archimedes to ascertain whether the crown was pure gold.