1977年日本农林省登记为水稻农林245号,旧系统名越南114号。 1964年于福井县农试场以“中国26号”(里实)×越光人工杂交,经集团栽培以系统育种法选育稳定。1977年为杂种13代。杆长高于“日本晴”:穗长比两者均短,穗数略少于“日本晴”,属偏穗数型梗稻、着粒中等、稀有短顶芒、稃尖白色、落性难、粒形比“日本晴”稍短而带园、为中粒型,千粒重与“日
In 1977, Japan’s Ministry of Agriculture and Forestry registered a rice agriculture and forestry 245, the old system name Vietnam 114. In 1964 Fukui County agro-experiment with “China 26” (in real) × Koshihikari artificial hybridization, breeding by the group system breeding breeding stability. 1977 hybrid 13 generations. The stem length is higher than that of “Nipponbare”: the spike length ratio is short, the spike number is slightly less than “Nipponbare”, and it is a spike-shaped stem rice with medium grain grains, Grain shape than the “Nipponbare” slightly shorter and with garden, as medium grain, grain weight and "day