ISO/TC 61(塑料)技术委员会将于1982年9月20日至25日在苏联的莫斯科召开全体大会,并同时召开 SC_1,SC_2,SC_4,SC_5,SC_6,SC_9,SC_(10),SC_(11),SC_(12)分委员会议和工作组会议。国家标准局、化工部和建材部将各派两名代表组成代表团前往参加会议。ISO/TC 45(橡胶和橡胶制品)技术委员会将于1982年12月11日至21日在印度的新德里召开全体大会。同时召开 SC_1,SC_2分委员会会议。
The ISO / TC 61 (Plastics) Technical Committee will convene a plenary meeting in Moscow, the Soviet Union, from September 20 to 25, 1982. At the same time, SC1, SC_2, SC_4, SC_5, SC_6, SC_9, SC_10, SC_ 11), SC_ (12) subcommittee meetings and working group meetings. The National Bureau of Standards, the Ministry of Chemical Industry and the Building Materials Department sent representatives from each of the two factions to attend the meeting. The ISO / TC 45 (Rubber and Rubber Products) Technical Committee will hold a plenary meeting in New Delhi, India, from December 11 to 21, At the same time held SC_1, SC_2 subcommittee meeting.