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  Before you read
  Prediction:What will the author talk about according to the title?
  Living in a foreign country is very different from just visiting it on holiday. Nearly everybody experiences “culture shock” when they stay in a country that has different languages, customs and systems from their own. They will experience excitement, frustration and fear, but finally get used to that foreign culture. For some people the shock will last for just a few hours, but for others, it will persist for weeks or months.
  I spoke to two international students living in the UK city of Manchester to see how much they were affected. The first was Tong Li (nickname Lily), a student from Beijing, studying for an MSc in Sustainable Aviation at Manchester Metropolitan University. The second was Umar Munir from Gilgit, the capital city of the northern region of Pakistan bordering both India and China. Umar is working towards an MSc in Environmental Management and Sustainable Development at the same university. I asked Lily and Umar if they had suffered badly from culture shock when they first arrived. Neither of them had. “Manchester is very diverse. You can walk for five minutes and meet people from Jamaica, the Middle East, Europe, Turkey, Asia, India, all sorts,” Umar explained. “I particularly like to visit the restaurants in the Curry Mile, where you can get every type of Asian food.” When asked what they thought the best and worst things about Manchester were, Lily said, “Its not a big city but its beautiful and safe. However, you sometimes see rubbish on the street.” Umar liked the countryside around Manchester. “The Peak District is just ten minutes drive away. Ive also visited beaches in North Wales, the Lake District and Blackpool on the coast. Theyre all close to Manchester. The weather is the worst thing. Its unpredictable and rains a lot.” Lily found the temperate weather a bit more refreshing. “Although it often rains, the air is clean and fresh. The sky is beautiful and the weather is not too cold or too hot.”
  How is studying different in the UK?
  When I asked Lily what the main differences were in the approaches to study in China and the UK, she said, “In Manchester Metropolitan University, the class is flexible and usually requires students to use their imagination and creativity. Students often do group work and give presentations in class. Students depend mostly on selfstudy outside class. In my university in China, the usual mode of class is the teacher talking and the students listening. I am comfortable with both of these two learning approaches. The combination of them makes me more capable of adopting different learning approaches in different environments.” And Umar? He said, “The research in the UK tends to be very up to date and focuses on current policy and thinking. It considers todays issues and possible practical solutions. In Pakistan, I have to address my tutor as Sir or Maam, whereas my British tutor told me to call him Paul. He encourages me to discuss things and talk openly so that we both get useful feedback.”   Any problems?
  “I cannot communicate very well with people who speak with a strong dialect,” Lily admitted. “The Mancunian accent isnt in the IELTS exam, so I had a slight problem at first,” Umar nodded. “Mancunians say /bz/ instead of /bs/, for example.” In addition, the Mancunian dialect also has some unique words and phrases. For example, being “mad for it” is to be full of enthusiasm. Also, a “chip barm” is a bread roll with chips as the filling.
  Free time and making friends?
  Lily said, “The Mancunians are friendly and polite. The English are humorous and gentle. I always go shopping, watch TV and see films in my spare time. The fish and chips are delicious but the desserts are too sweet.” Umar said, “The people are wellmannered and helpful. If youre lost, theyll always stop and give you directions. I have two or three close English friends, and theyre not my classmates! Its easy to make friends because whenever you go for a walk, people will just start chatting to you. Or theyll talk to anyone in the pubs, clubs and shisha cafés. People are footballcrazy here. Everyone supports United or City. I havent been to the stadium, but I watch it on TV. I like to look at the architecture in Manchester, with the famous red bricks everywhere, and the historic buildings standing right next to modern ones everywhere. And there are lots of churches, mosques and temples all next to each other.”
  Any final advice?
  Lily said, “Before you arrive, learn more about the culture and history of the UK, and lay a good language foundation for yourself.” Umar said, “If youre feeling homesick, then having food from your own country really helps. So when you choose a UK city in which to study, consider whether theres a community from your own country there. Manchester also has cheaper travel and accommodation than London.
  Activity 1: Cultural attitudes
  Look at the following academic issues and decide for each one whether you MUST DO it (MD), DONT HAVE TO do it (DHT) or MUST NOT DO it (MND) in your country.
  A. agree with your teacher
  B. plagiarize
  C. work independently outside the classroom
  D. present your own ideas in class
  E. work with other students in class
  Now look at the article and compare your answers to those studying in the UK.
  Activity 2: Lilys experience
  Here is a reported question from the article: I asked Lily and Umar if they had suffered badly from culture shock. The question in direct speech is “Did you suffer badly from culture shock?” See if you can put these reported questions from the article into direct speech.   1. I asked what they thought the best and worst things about Manchester were.
  2. I asked Lily what the main differences were in the approaches to study in China and the UK.
  Now see if you can turn these direct speech questions into reported speech.
  3. Do you have any problems?
  4. What do you do in your free time?
  Activity 3: Multiple choice
  Decide if the statements below describe Lily (L), Umar (U) or both students (B).
剪羊毛外套针织马甲格纹长袖衬衫高领衫破洞牛仔裤 均为Dsquared2古巴跟长靴Saint Laurent叛逆美式  一段对美式文化产生重要影响的历史:在当时内战后的美国东部和南部地区,人们为了生计不得不冒险向西部迁徙,最后在广袤的得克萨斯大地上以放牛为生——这段持续了将近30年的“大迁徙”(Long Drives)历史活动不仅为后来许多好莱坞电影提供了鲜明生动的人物素材,也因此成就了美国有史以来
1来自Common Gender年轻的扎染态度混杂了色彩缤纷的元素,打破牛仔一如既往的印象,同时搭配上一双亮眼的运动鞋与一顶渔夫帽,让整身look看起来更有型。  拼色衬衫Calvin Luo?2,400  扎染牛仔夹克Common Gender?1,799  扎染牛仔裤Common Gender?1,599  拼色帆布鞋Stone Island?2,850  嫩黄色渔夫帽H
陆勇34岁之后的人生和药联系在—起。他得了癌症,靠药物维持生命,不堪经济重负,又找到了去印度买仿制药的途径,并将这种药效可靠、价格便宜的仿制品介绍给病友。仿制药给陆勇带来了种种奇遇。他被捕,在看守所里关了135天,但随后检方宣布不予起诉。  他登上过全国的主流媒体,被称为“药侠”。在癌症患者眼中,他是如普罗米修斯—样盗火的英雄。直到今年,他的影响力抵达了新的边界一成为一部电影的原型,由宁浩监制、徐
1  在我动笔写这篇文章的时候,距离和李安的见面,已经过去整整一个月了。还有最后一个礼拜,《比利啉恩的中场战事》就要全面下片了。工作人员说,那些专供120帧画面放映的银幕和器材,会被工人拆下来,——打包,运往深圳。  演出结束了。下一次看120帧和李安,不知道要到什么时候。  不知道李安现在在哪里,在做什么。  他离不开电影,可能已经着手筹划下一部《马尼拉之战》了。他自己说《少年派的奇幻漂流》和《
每个人心里都有一座属于自己的孤岛,它可以是一座真正意义上存在的岛,也可以是自己勾勒的虚拟的岛《智族GQ》编辑为你精选了5座各有特色的孤岛,带你领略它们的饮食和风景,是一趟从南到北、从西到东的酣畅淋漓的孤岛旅行。  塔斯马尼亚  心形孤岛  被澳大利亚人亲呢地称为“Tassie”的塔斯马尼亚是该国唯一的岛州。它的形状像是一颗心,有一半面积都是国家公园,还有许多地方位列世界遗产名录。塔斯马尼亚风光秀丽
这次采访通过Teams与Christine Nagel连线,探讨的却是一个更感性或者无法触碰的领域——一款全新爱马仕香水H24的味道。无论她创作香水,还是爱马仕男性世界艺术总监Véronique Nichanian,他们都在创作中找到splash。衣服的突破点是沉稳的颜色中突然加了荧光色的拉链,而这款香味则是无木胜有木,用破圈的方式来演绎全新H24的味道。对话ChristineNagel  Q:当
阿梅莉亚·埃尔哈特是一位著名的美国女性飞行员和女权运动者。阿梅莉亚是第一位获得“十字飞行荣誉勋章”的女飞行员,也是第一位独自飞越大西洋的女飞行员。她还创造了许多其他飞行纪录。她将她的飞行经历写成了一本书。1937年,当她尝试全球首次环球飞行时,在飞越太平洋期间神秘失踪。  Amelia Earhart is one of the world’s most celebrated aviators(飞
作為“网约工”,在战“疫”期间,外卖员们穿梭在大街小巷,冒着比常人更高的感染风险,完成一笔笔订单。他们以“非凡的使命感”(remarkable sense of commitment)赢得了社会的尊重,成为一道道流动的风景和最美逆行者中的一部分。  难词探意  1. disinfect /?謣d?奘s?奘n?謖fekt/ v. 给……消毒  2. insulin /?謖?奘nsj?藜l?奘n/ n
尽管时尚与品牌成为当下人人渴望掌握的“世界语”,但高级时装界中的人和事,一定程度上还小众如同一个自我的村落。但Clare Waight Keller这个名字俨然已经“出村”,因为在2018年5月19日Meghan Markle与哈里王子的婚礼上,她身上那件简洁大气的婚纱便出自Clare之手,一举让这个来自英国服务于法国传奇品牌的女设计师进入了更广泛的大众视野当中。同年年底,当她获得英国时尚协会颁发