作为一名区域经理,在接受一个新区域时,许多经理容易犯的一个致命错误就是片面从个人经验入手进行市场诊断,结果造成市场诊断出现偏差,从而给自己的下一步工作规划带来被动。 2005年初小杨被公司从山东区域调到东北辽宁市场担任区域经理。小杨所在的公司是一家方便面企业,在山东市场时,公司的零售1元的面是24包装。在山东市场小杨带领自己的弟兄们把公司的24 包装的1元面从零做到了每月销量突破5万件,赢得了公司和下属的一致好评。由于东北市场1元面市场容量巨大而辽宁市场销量一直提升不上去,为了尽快在辽宁市场实现1元面的量突破,公司领导自然就想到了善于推广1元面的小杨。
As a regional manager, a fatal mistake many managers make when accepting a new area is to start with a one-sided diagnosis of the market based on personal experience. As a result, the diagnosis of the market deviates from the market diagnosis and leads to passive planning for the next step. In early 2005, Xiao Yang was transferred from the Shandong region to the Northeast Liaoning market as a regional manager. Xiao Yang where the company is a instant noodle company, in Shandong market, the company’s retail 1 yuan face is 24 packaging. Xiao Yang in Shandong market led his brethren to the company’s 24 packaging 1 yuan to do from zero monthly sales exceeded 50,000, won the company and subordinates alike. Due to the large market volume of the northeast market and the sales volume in Liaoning market, it has not been able to go up. In order to achieve the breakthrough of 1 yuan in Liaoning market as soon as possible, the company leaders naturally think of Xiao Yang who is good at promoting 1 yuan surface.