
来源 :图书情报工作 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:jayngu
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[目的/意义]针对当前我国警务情报主体间的合作与利益生成问题,探讨警务情报共享过程中的共生利益形成机制,研究警务情报共享过程中的共生利益形成优化策略,为协调警务情报主体间的共生利益分配、合理组织警务情报活动提供理论依据。[方法/过程]以共生理论为基础,探讨警务情报共享过程中的共生利益的形成方式、影响利益形成的因素,在此基础上分析警务情报共享中共生利益形成的优化对策。[结果/结论]警务情报共享利益可以通过联合办案、合作研发、协同服务3种方式形成;警务情报共享过程中的共生利益形成影响因素包括共生单元因素和共生模式因素;可以从构建完善的约束与激励制度、营造良好的公安文化氛围、促进先进的信息技术开发3个方面优化警务情报共享的共生利益形成。 [Purpose / Significance] In view of the current generation of cooperation and interests among the police intelligence agencies in China, this paper discusses the formation mechanism of symbiosis interests in the process of police intelligence sharing, studies the symbiosis benefits in the process of police intelligence sharing and forms the optimization strategy, Provide the theoretical basis for the distribution of symbiosis benefits between intelligence entities and the rational organization of police intelligence activities. [Method / Process] Based on the theory of symbiosis, this paper discusses the formation of symbiotic interest in the process of police intelligence sharing and the factors that affect the formation of interest. Based on the analysis, this paper analyzes the optimal countermeasures of the formation of symbiotic interest in police intelligence sharing. [Results / Conclusion] The benefits of police intelligence sharing can be formed through joint handling of cases, cooperative research and development, and collaborative services. The influencing factors of formation of symbiosis benefits in the sharing of police intelligence include symbiotic elements and symbiotic factors; Restraint and incentive system, to create a good public security culture, promote the development of advanced information technology to optimize the sharing of police intelligence symbiosis formation.