楼兰考古与楼兰历史研究,可以作为西域考古及历电研 究的一个典型。 上世纪初,瑞典地理学家斯文·赫定在罗布淖尔(即罗 布泊)荒原上发现了楼兰古城,此后100多年,围绕着楼兰 的发现、考察、研究,一直是国内外考古、历史、地理等诸 多学科学者们关注的热点。 在汉文史籍中,楼兰王国于公元前176年始见记录,至公 元前77年更名为“鄯善”,迂都至阿尔金山北麓,其留在文 献中的历史短暂而缺略。楼兰究竟什么时候建国,他们是怎 样的种族、民族,以及其社会经济生活、政治制度,宗教观 念等在文献中都没有留下印痕。
Loulan archeology and the history of Loulan, can be used as a model of Western Archeology and calendar studies. At the beginning of the last century, the Swedish geographer Sven Hedin discovered the ancient Loulan city on the Loebal (ie Lop Nur) wilderness. For more than 100 years, the discovery, study and research of Loulan have been the home and abroad archeology, history, geography, etc. Many academic scholars focus on the hot spots. In Chinese historical records, the kingdom of Loulan began to record records in 176 BC and changed its name to “Shanshan” in 77 BC, all the way to the northern foot of the Altun Mountains. His history in the literature was short and absent. Loulan exactly when the founding of the nation, what kind of race they are, ethnic groups, as well as their socio-economic life, political system, religious concepts in the literature are not imprinted.