Everyone Can Become An Angel

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  When I was a middle school student, a memorable thing occurred.
  It was a Friday. On the way home from school I saw a classmate called Kyle, who carried a thick pile of books in his arms. I thought, “Why does he carry all the books home? He must be a bookworm.”
  Kyle was just transferred to our class. I shrugged and went on walking, when I suddenly saw a large group of children knocking down the books in his hands on purpose, and even some of them tripping Kyle, he immediately fell to the ground.
  His glasses flying off, Kyle raised his head. I read the painful expression from his eyes and felt my heart tightened, so I ran to him. He was groping for his glasses on the ground. I handed his glasses to his hands. He thanked me with a smile on his faces, which was the smile of gratitude from the bottom of his heart.
  I learned where we lived was not far away from each other. So we returned home together. As I thought he was not bad and asked whether he took interest in playing soccer together on Saturday, he accepted.
  Throughout the weekend we all mixed together and he made a very good impression on my friends and me.
  Since then, Kyle and I became best friends.
  Years later, Kyle specially invited me to attend his graduation. In his speech, he said, “The graduation is the best moment to express our gratitude for those who have helped us. I would like to take this opportunity to thank my best friend.”
  Then, he began to talk about how we had known each other, and I was surprised to widen my eyes. Until the day I knew: that weekend many years ago, he had intended to kill himself! He said he had carried all his books home, so that after his death his mother wouldn’t have to specially go to the school to arrange his things left behind. Having said that, he looked at me sitting in the audience with a smile on his face and went on, “However, I was so lucky that my friend pulled me back from the brink of death.”
  At that moment, I truly understood what he said, “Never undervalue the power your behavior can produce, for your little action may change the fate of another person. Heaven makes as each of us face and influence another life in some way.”
  Some people love to light up the lives of others with their own happiness and love. It is always worthwhile to do so. When we break our wings and can’t fly, the friends around us are the angels who hold us in their arms.
  bookworm n. 書呆子
  shrug v. 耸肩
  grope v. 摸索
  arrange v. 安排,整理
  brink n. 边缘
  (Are you willing to help others who are in need? Share your stories with us.)
  范 妍 整理
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