广东省劳动和社会保障厅:你厅《关于外派职工取得境外居民身份证后是否继续参保并享受社会保险待遇问题的请示 》(粤劳社[2001]67号)收悉。经研究,现答复如下:职工在被本单位派到境外工作期间,合法取得当地永久性居民身份证后,职工所在单位应 停止为其缴纳社会保险费,及?
Guangdong Provincial Department of Labor and Social Security: Your Department’s “Instructions on Whether Overseas Workers Continue to Insure and Enjoy Social Security Benefits after Their Expatriates Have Been Obtained ID Cards” (Yueluoshe [2001] No. 67) have been received. After the study, the following reply is as follows: Workers sent to overseas work by their units, the legal access to the local permanent identity card, the worker’s unit should stop paying social insurance premiums for it, and?