
来源 :天然气地球科学 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:xuzhangzhe
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通过研究确定塔里木盆地哈得逊地区巴楚组地层序列类型及其成因机理,解决地层演化和沉积历史的相关争议。通过岩心、测井资料的分析及区域地层对比,确定哈得逊地区巴楚组东河砂岩段之上存在下泥岩段和生屑灰岩段。哈得逊地区东河砂岩段、下泥岩段、生屑灰岩段在石炭系早期依次沉积,此沉积序列为该区巴楚组标准沉积序列,该标准序列与塔里木盆地其他地区的东河砂岩段—下泥岩段—生屑灰岩段沉积序列一致。由于在沉积之后即受构造抬升、不均匀剥蚀及混积作用影响,该区大部分巴楚组标准地层序列不再完整,并形成角砾岩段,形成5种地层序列类型(自下而上):Ⅰ东河砂岩—下泥岩—生屑灰岩;Ⅱ东河砂岩—下泥岩—角砾岩;Ⅲ东河砂岩—下泥岩;Ⅳ东河砂岩—角砾岩;Ⅴ东河砂岩,此种地层序列在东河砂岩油藏区具有明显的分区性。对哈得逊地区巴楚组地层序列的正确认识对该区沉积环境和沉积层序、东河砂岩钙质来源和成岩作用、地震资料应用以及油气勘探等研究具有重要意义。 By studying and determining the sequence types and genetic mechanisms of the Bachu Formation in the Hudson area, Tarim Basin, the related controversies over the evolution of sedimentary and sedimentary history are discussed. Based on the analysis of core and well logging data and regional stratigraphic correlation, the lower mudstone section and the bioclastic limestone section above the Donghe sandstone section of the Bachu Formation in the Hudson area are determined. The East River sandstone section, the lower mudstone section and the bioclastic limestone section of the Hudson region are deposited in sequence in the early Carboniferous. The sedimentary sequence is the standard sedimentary sequence of the Bachu Formation in this area, which is similar to the Donghe sandstone in other parts of the Tarim Basin The sedimentary sequence of the segment-lower mudstone-bioclastic limestone is the same. Due to the influence of tectonic uplifting, uneven denudation and sedimentation after deposition, most of the Bachu formation sequences in this area are no longer complete, and breccia sections are formed to form five types of sequence stratigraphy (bottom-up ): Ⅰ Donghe sandstone - lower mudstone - bioclitite; Ⅱ Donghe sandstone - lower mudstone - breccia; Ⅲ Donghe sandstone - lower mudstone; Ⅳ Donghe sandstone - breccia; Ⅴ Donghe sandstone, Stratigraphic sequence in the Donghe sandstone reservoir area has obvious zoning. The correct understanding of the Bachu Formation stratigraphic sequence in the Hudson area is of great significance to the study of sedimentary environment and sedimentary sequence, calcareous source and diagenesis of Donghe sandstone, application of seismic data and oil and gas exploration.
目的:观察肠外营养在肠瘘临床治疗中的作用。方法:因腹部手术后发生肠瘘患者74例,其中高位肠瘘31例,低位肠瘘43例,均于发现肠瘘48-72 h开始给予肠外营养支持1-210 d,平均38 d
目的 研究讨论在儿童的保健工作中,普及相关营养知识的效果。方法 选择2015年10月~2017年1月在本院检查出有营养问题的儿童80例作为本次实验的对象,随机将这80例儿童分为两组