活动目标: 1.让幼儿了解自己家里的老人,进而了解社会上的其他老人,知道他们年纪大了,需要我们的关心和帮助。2.初步懂得老人们曾为社会做了很多工作,自己的成长是与老人的关心和爱护分不开的,激发幼儿敬爱老人的情感,培养他们帮助、关心老人的良好品德。活动准备: 1.设计敬老情况调查表,了解班内幼儿在家对待老人的态度和表现。2.请幼儿找出爷爷奶奶年轻时的工作照(或其他照片),了解他们年轻时做什么工作,如何为社会作贡
Objectives: 1. Let children know their own elderly people at home and learn about other elderly people in the community. They know that they are old and need our attention and help. 2. The initial understanding that the elderly have done a lot of work for the community, their growth is inseparable from the care and love of the elderly, inspire children to love the feelings of the elderly, develop their help and care for the good character of the elderly. Activities to prepare: 1. Design a survey of respecting the elderly to understand the attitude and performance of young children in the class to treat the elderly at home. 2. Ask your child to find a picture of her grandparents working young (or other photos) to understand what they do when they are young and how to contribute to society