喻德洪 ,男 ,192 6年生。 195 1年毕业于前四川成都华西协和大学医学系 ,现任上海第二军医大学教授 ,长海医院外科主任医师。兼任中华医学会外科学会肛肠外科组顾问。国际大学结直肠外科学会会员 ,中国外科年鉴副主编 ,中国造口联谊会主席 ,世界肠造口治疗师协会及国际造口协会
Yu Dehong, male, 192 6 years old. He graduated from the Department of Medicine, Huaxi Concord University, Chengdu, Sichuan Province, China. He is now a professor at Shanghai Second Military Medical University and a chief surgeon at Changhai Hospital. As the Chinese Medical Association of Surgery, anorectal surgery consultant. A member of the International College of Colorectal Surgery, an associate editor of the Chinese Surgical Yearbook, a chairman of the China Stoma ostracism Association, the World Association of Intestostomy Therapists and the International ostomy Association