1994年,美国机器人工业协会(RIA)的第一个专业分会“危险环境作业机器人分会”(RHE)成立。RHE是RIA的一个专门分会,分会主席是Deneb机器人公司的董事长罗伯特·布朗。理事会的13位成员分别来自卖主、客户、系统集成厂家、研究单位及联邦实验室。 RHE将支持在危险作业中采用机器人,以使人所承受的风险减到最小的程度,并降低费用,提高效率。 布朗说:“我们的目标是为制造和使用这类机器人制定必要的准则,包括其性能和安全标准。RHE是一个信息交换的场所。我们将从事技术转让,协助进行技术培训,分发操作指南”。
In 1994, RHE, the first professional branch of RIA, was established. RHE is a specialized chapter of RIA, and chapter chair is Robert Brown, chairman of Deneb Robotics. The 13 members of the board come from vendors, customers, system integrators, research institutes and federal laboratories. RHE will support the use of robots in hazardous operations to minimize the risk to people and to reduce costs and increase efficiency. “Our goal is to make the necessary guidelines for making and using such robots, including their performance and safety standards.” RHE is a place for information exchange and we will be engaged in technology transfer, assisting with technical training and distributing operational guidelines " .