鉴于野外地震采集具有系统庞大、仪器昂贵、成本高、风险大等诸多不利因素,利用虚拟现实技术高仿真性的优点,开发虚拟地震采集仿真系统用于地震采集人员培训或高校实践教学无疑具有重要的现实意义.按照简单、快速、高效的原则,以加拿大ARAM系统有限公司生产的ARAM ARIES便携数字地震仪为原型,借助于3DS MAX三维建模软件和中视典VRP三维引擎平台,实现了地震采集仪器系统中检波器、采集站、交叉站、爆炸机、记录仪等各部件的仿真建模,开发完成了虚拟地震采集系统VSAS1.0版本,该系统仿真效果真实感强、渲染速度快、交互性能良好.对于地震采集人员培训以及高校实践教学而言不失为一次有益的尝试.
In view of many unfavorable factors such as large system, expensive equipment, high cost and high risk, field seismic acquisition has the advantage of high simulation of virtual reality technology. It is undoubtedly important to develop virtual seismic acquisition simulation system for personnel training of earthquake acquisition or practical teaching in colleges and universities According to the simple, fast and efficient principle, ARAM ARIES portable digital seismograph produced by ARAM Systems of Canada is taken as the prototype, and the 3DS MAX 3D modeling software and the 3D visualization VRP platform are used to realize the seismic acquisition Instrument system, geophone, acquisition station, crossover station, explosion machine, recorder and other components of the simulation modeling, development and completion of a virtual seismic acquisition system VSAS1.0 version of the system simulation is realistic, rendering speed, interactive Good performance for earthquake acquisition personnel training and practical teaching of colleges and universities is a useful attempt.