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魏晋是中国历史上一个独特的历史时期,是一次从皇权统治的秦汉帝国向唐宋帝国过渡的时期,而这一时期的中国处于分崩离析的状态,是弱化皇权的贵族对统治的一次历史的尝试。中国哲学如果要用西方哲学模式来定义,那么中国哲学最接近哲学这种形而上学形态的时期便是魏晋。魏晋对于中国哲学的意义是深远的。文人士大夫第一次和西方一样,对于宇宙有着全新的认识。田园诗也就是这个时候产生。但是在田园诗潇洒美妙优美的背后,又是诗人纠结的体会,儒道为正统的中国哲学依然统治者文人的精神,兼济天下、独善其身的处世之道,在汉之后特别是西晋之后带给了文人墨客一种内心纠结。本文以魏晋诗人的“庄子情怀”为着力点,通过对魏晋诗歌的分析,突出展现魏晋山水诗人的隐逸、逍遥和纠结。 The Wei and Jin Dynasties were a unique historical period in Chinese history and a period of transition from the Qin and Han empires ruled by the imperial power to the Tang and Song Empires. During this period, China was in a condition of disintegration and a historical try. If Chinese philosophy is to be defined by the Western philosophy model, then the period of Chinese philosophy closest to the metaphysical form of philosophy is the Wei and Jin Dynasties. The significance of Wei and Jin to Chinese philosophy is far-reaching. For the first time, the literati and the doctor, like the West, have a new understanding of the universe. Idyllic is also produced at this time. However, behind the idyllic beauty and grace of the idyll, it is also a poet’s tangled experience. Confucianism and Taoism are the orthodox Chinese philosophy still ruled by the spirit of the literati. Literati a kind of heart tangled. This paper focuses on the “Chuang Tzu Feelings” of the poets in the Wei and Jin Dynasties. By analyzing the poems in the Wei and Jin dynasties, it highlights the seclusion, carefreeness and tangle of the landscape poets in Wei and Jin Dynasties.
1药物性肝病定义药物性肝病(drug—induced liver disease,DILD)是指药物本身或其代谢产物通过直接毒性作用或免疫机制引起的肝脏损害。它既可以发生于尢肝病史的健康者,也町发生
2005年美国胸科学会/美国感染学会ATS/IDSA在成人医院获得性肺炎(hospitalacguired pneumonia,HAP)指南中引入“健康护理相关性肺炎”(healthcare associated-pneumonia,HCAP)的概念,