
来源 :中国应急管理 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:dengxiaofei317
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随着社会主义市场经济体制的逐步完善,在计划经济向市场经济体制转变过程中,经济成分、利益主体、劳动用工形式和广大群众的生活方式等日趋多元化。数量众多的非公有制矿山企业在迅速成为社会生产活动的重要组成部分的同时,也成为伤亡事故的主要发生地。加之专业部委撤销和政企脱钩,国有大中型矿山企业下放地方管理等因素,传统矿山救援工作格局的社会基础条件已经发生了变化,急切需要改进和创新。国务院总理温家宝曾强调过,加强应急管理工作,是维护国家安全、社会稳定和人民群众利益的重要保障,是履行政府社会管理和公共服务职能的 Along with the gradual improvement of the socialist market economic system, the economic components, interests, labor and employment patterns, and the general public’s life style have become increasingly diversified in the process of transforming the planned economy into a market economy. A large number of non-public mining enterprises rapidly become an important part of social production activities, but also become the main site of casualties. Coupled with the withdrawal of professional ministries and government and enterprises decoupling, the state-owned large and medium-sized mining enterprises decentralized local management and other factors, the traditional mining rescue work pattern has changed the basic social conditions, the urgent need to improve and innovation. Premier Wen Jiabao of the State Council has emphasized that to step up emergency management is an important guarantee for safeguarding national security, social stability and the interests of the people, as well as fulfilling government’s social management and public service functions
新的收费制度出现——服务制度的出现 一 服务费制度出现的背景 现在通行的广告代理制诞生于美国,到1980年前后,美国的广告业还在使用代理费制度。20世纪80年代中后期服务费
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一、建立独立、强大的技术能力,提升制造业水平 90年代以来,中国依靠产业的多样化、充足的熟练劳动力资源使制成品健康发展,出口结构不断向技术、资本密集型产品倾斜,但中国
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患者男,36岁,因"腹痛、消瘦3个月"入院.患者平素健康.入院体检:营养欠佳,慢性痛苦病容.皮肤巩膜无黄染,浅表淋巴结未触及.心肺无异常.腹部平软,未见胃肠蠕动波,左中下腹均有压痛,无反跳痛,左下腹可扪及一条索状包块,约5 cm×5 cm大小,质软,圆滑,边不清,局部触痛,可推动.肝脾肋下未触及,无腹水或肠梗阻表现.实验室检查:胃镜检查示慢性浅表糜烂性胃炎;结肠镜检查示回肠末端及结、直肠黏膜未见病