1. CGMW The Commission, a subsidiary of the International Union of Geological Sciences (IUGS) and headquartered in Paris, is a member of the National Geological Survey and Research Agency in the world. Most Asian countries participated The concrete results of the commission were first of all the Asian geological formations (4, 1: 5 million) published in 1983, on the basis of which the Asian ore distribution maps were prepared on the same scale and are expected to be published earlier in 1984. The Asian ore deposit distribution is also similar to that of the Asian geological structure, covering a wide range of areas from west to Iran, north to Mongolia, and south to Indonesia. In the above charting work, Japan completed all his tasks. Mapping Plan This program has been in operation since 1973 as one of the activities of the Pacific Rim Council on Mineral Resources, which was established in 1974. Its purpose is to collect rings