要论工作勤奋,法国大作家巴尔扎克可谓是这方面的典范。近读奥地利作家茨威格所著的《巴尔扎克传》,文中生动的记载了身为作家的巴尔扎克是怎样工作的: 每天深夜十二点钟,当整个巴黎万籁俱寂的时候。巴尔扎克起床开始精神抖擞的工作。他一坐到桌前,就疾笔如飞,他的笔一直在纸上不提起来。一直到一阵痉挛的打击强迫他松了手指。或是他写的东西在眼前浮动起来——疲劳的头晕眼花的时候。就这样一直工作到早上八点.他的仆人敲门进来送上简便的早饭。这表示
In order to be diligent in his work, the great French writer Balzac is an example of this. Nearly read the Austrian writer Zweig’s “The Balzac Biography”, which vividly records how Balzac, who is a writer, works: Every day at twelve o’clock in the evening, when Paris is completely still. Balzac gets up and starts working hard. As soon as he sat down at the table, he died of a severe illness. His pen was never mentioned on paper. He was forced to loose his fingers by a banging blow. Or what he wrote floated in front of his eyes - tired when he was dizzy. So it worked until 8 in the morning. His servant knocked in and gave him a light breakfast. this means