(一) 历史的回顾卫河是豫北大河,历史上曾在灌溉排涝、航运等方面发挥过很大作用。建国前,该河年久失修,建国后,随着豫北地区工农业的迅速发展,卫河水源日感不足。从1950年开始,在党和人民政府的领导下,破天荒地在黄河下游新乡市修建了第一个引黄济卫工程——人民胜利渠(引水流量50m~3/S),从而给古老的卫
(A) Historical Review Wei River is a river in northern Henan, historically played a significant role in irrigation and drainage, shipping and so on. Before the founding of New China, the river was in disrepair for a long time. After the founding of the People’s Republic, with the rapid development of agriculture and industry in the north of Henan Province, the river was less fortified. From 1950 onwards, under the leadership of the party and the people’s government, the first Yellow River Fisheries and Water Diversion Canal (diversion canal 50m ~ 3 / s) was constructed in Xinxiang City, the lower reaches of the Yellow River,