在第七届全国优秀广播节目评选活动的成果之一——《优秀广播节目稿选与评析》出版之际,我谈两点想法:一点是关于1988年优秀广播节目的;一点是关于评析文章的。 (一) 正如有的评委所评估的:获得第七届全国优秀广播节目奖的169件作品,标志着1988年广播节目的新水平,说明广播在反映现实的广度、深度、真实度和锐敏度上都有了新的拓进。我同意这个评估。
As one of the achievements of the Seventh National Excellent Radio Program Awarding Outcome - “Excellent Radio Program Drafting and Commenting” was published, I would like to make two points: one is about the excellent radio program of 1988; the other is about evaluating articles of. (A) As reviewed by some judges: The 169 works awarded the Seventh National Excellent Broadcasting Program mark a new level of radio programs in 1988, which shows that broadcasting has the breadth, depth, truthfulness and sharpness of reality Have a new extension. I agree with this assessment.