我科在1975年第三季度开始对发热小儿采用针刺后溪穴退热,获效较好。临床资料:共100例,2岁以下23例;2—4岁35例;5—7岁28例;8岁以上14例。上感占63例;扁桃腺炎12例;痢疾5例;肺炎11例;流脑3例;其它6例。体温38—38.5℃ 8例;38.5—39℃27例;39.1—40℃57例;40.1—41℃ 8例。疗效观察(表)。显效:体温降至1℃以上。进步:体温下降0.5—1℃。无效:体温下降不足0.4℃或升高者。病种与退热时问无明显差异(x~23.89,P>5%) 病程和疗效的关系:病程2天内58例中,显效
My department in the third quarter of 1975 began to fever in children after acupuncture points Creek fever, better effect. Clinical data: a total of 100 cases, 23 cases of less than 2 years old; 35 cases of 2-4 years old; 28 cases of 5-7 years old; 14 cases over the age of 8 years. On the flu accounted for 63 cases; tonsillitis in 12 cases; dysentery in 5 cases; pneumonia in 11 cases; meningitis in 3 cases; the other 6 cases. The body temperature 38-38.5 ℃ 8 cases; 38.5-39 ℃ 27 cases; 39.1-40 ℃ 57 cases; 40.1-41 ℃ 8 cases. Efficacy of observation (table). Markedly effective: body temperature dropped to 1 ℃ above. Progress: body temperature dropped 0.5-1 ℃. Invalid: temperature drop less than 0.4 ℃ or elevated. Disease and fever when asked no significant difference (x ~ 23.89, P> 5%) duration and efficacy of the relationship: duration of disease within 2 days 58 cases, markedly