重返欧洲之巅 欧洲四大联赛前瞻(下)

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德甲、英超如期拉开了战幕,接下来的是代表欧洲联赛最高水平的西甲、意甲再战江湖。毕竟,对于意大利、西班牙来说,这个炎热的夏天给他们带来了太多的痛苦经历。重回欧洲之巅,是两国足球的绝对梦想。当然,要想快速攀登到高峰,必须做好最基本的工作,联赛无疑才是最好的基本。谁不知道皇马巴萨,谁不知道两个米兰,谁不知道那句“一年买一个巨星”的豪言,谁又不知道紫百合浴血重生的佳话。这就是西甲和意甲的群众基础,这就是西甲和意甲的非凡魅力,这也就是西甲和意甲多年来一直统治着欧洲两大杯的原因。新赛季,意甲由18支球队扩军到20支,在球队数上和西甲持平,这意味着两大联赛在新赛季里将贡献总共760场的联赛,这是一个惊人的数字,同样也是一个值得人们期待的数字。在这个数字中,西班牙德比(皇马 VS 巴萨)、意大利德比(尤文图斯 VSAC 米兰)、米兰德比(AC 米兰 VS 国际米兰)、罗马德比(罗马 VS 拉齐奥)、马德里德比(皇马 VS马竞)、巴塞罗那德比(巴塞罗那 VS 西班牙人)……多少场德比值得球迷驻足期待以至醉生梦死,又有多少场经典对话值得球迷摇旗呐喊以至忘乎所以。西甲和意甲的开赛日分别是8月29日和9月12日,在欧洲新赛季中,只有希腊联赛的开赛时期比他们晚。也许,这正是西甲和意甲的“阴谋”所在,他们需要其他联赛来预热球市,这样,当到了他们剑锋一出的时候,人们才会倍感两者的不可替代。西甲和意甲在炎炎夏季里的姗姗来迟,就意味着齐达内、罗纳尔多、贝克汉姆、罗纳尔迪尼奥、舍甫琴科、马尔蒂尼、戴维斯、托蒂们的姗姗来迟,就意味着那一系列的伟大比赛的姗姗来迟。人们总是挑剔的,他们尽管知道西甲和意甲的组织者已经尽量把最好的留到了最后,对于绝大多数人来说,为西甲和意甲而散发的热情是不需要事先加料预热的。一切皆有可能,就让我们共同期待西甲和意甲的开场哨响。 Bundesliga, Premiership opened the war on schedule, followed by the highest representative of the European League La Liga, Serie A rebel battle. After all, this hot summer brought too much painful experience to Italy and Spain. Back to the top of Europe, is the absolute dream of football in both countries. Of course, in order to quickly climb to the peak, we must do the most basic work and the league is undoubtedly the best basic. Who do not know Real Madrid Barcelona, ​​who do not know two Milan, who do not know the phrase “buy a superstar a year,” the rhetoric, who do not know the story of purple lily bloody rebirth. This is the mass base of La Liga and Serie A, which is the extraordinary charm of La Liga and Serie A, which is the reason La Liga and Serie A have dominated two European Cups for many years. The new season, Serie A by the 18 teams to expand to 20, the number of teams and La Liga, which means that the two major league games in the new season will contribute to a total of 760 games in the league, this is a staggering figure, is also A number worth looking forward to. In this figure, Spain Derby (Real Madrid VS Barcelona), Italy Derby (Juventus VSAC Milan), Milan Derby (AC Milan vs Inter Milan), Rome Derby (Roma VS Lazio), Madrid Derby (Real Madrid VS Atletico Madrid) Barcelona Derby (Barcelona VS Spanish) ... ... how many Derby worthy of the fans stop looking forward to dreaming, and how many classic dialogue worthy of the fans shake their banners and forget to do so. La Liga and Serie A start dates are August 29 and September 12, the new season in Europe, only the Greek League start than they are late. Perhaps this is where the Liga and Serie A’s “conspiracy” lies, and they need other leagues to pre-heat the ballpark, so that when they get out of their Janus, they feel the irreplaceability of both. La Liga and Serie A in the hot summer of late, it means Zinedine Zidane, Ronaldo, Beckham, Ronaldinho, Shevchenko, Maldini, Davis, Totti who are Belated, it means that a series of great competition belatedly. People are always picky, and although they know the organizers of La Liga and Serie A have tried their best to get the best out there, for the vast majority, the enthusiasm for La Liga and Serie A does not require pre-warming up. Everything is possible, let us look forward to La Liga and Serie A’s opening whistle.
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