目的:对普通金属网底托槽和自锁金属托槽粘接强度进行比较研究,为临床金属托槽的选用提供参考。方法挑选对称性拔除第1前磨牙正畸患者20例,分两组分别粘结普通金属网底托槽以及自锁金属托槽,粘接时采用同样方法,相同步骤。对患者托槽脱落情况作6个月追踪观察、记录。将同1患者拔除的前磨牙为实验样本,粘结与口内对应托槽,以材料力学实验方法对其进行体外即刻抗剪切强度(Shear Bond Strength,SBS)的测定。结果临床观察发现普通金属网底托槽脱落率大于自锁金属托槽,体外实验也表明自锁金属托槽剪切强度大于普通金属网底托槽。体外粘接强度实验结果表明,两者粘结强度不同且差别具有统计学意义(P <0.05)。结论托槽结构可影响托槽粘结强度,但两者都能很好满足临床正畸粘结需要。","Objective:The metal brackets are most usual y used in clinic at present.The purpose of this study was to compare the bond strength of two dif erent designs so as to find out a high ef ective metal bracket for clinical use.Methods:A total of 320 othodontic brackets in 20 cases were observed for 6 months.The failure rates in dif erent location and time were recorded. Forty extracted first premolars were randomly divided into A,B two groups,each group 20 premolars.Group A,B were bonded conventional foil mesh base metal brackets and self -ligating metal brackets respectively.Shear Bond Strength (SBS)was tested and compared with each group.Results:The adhesive resins has great ef ect on the bond strength of bracket.Design of bracket structure significantly af ects the bond strength.the SBS of self -ligating metal brackets were greater in both groups(P <0.05).Conclusions:The factor of bracket design has significant influence on bracket's bond strength,and the bond strength of self -ligating metal bracket is bet er than conventional bracket.The two base designs both can meet the clinical adhesive requirement.