
来源 :中国超声医学杂志 | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lllljx
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目的 :探讨超声引导下细针穿刺与基因检测相结合早期诊断胰腺癌的临床应用。方法 :应用超声引导下细针穿刺技术对 38例可疑胰腺癌及其邻近器官占位性病变患者进行穿刺活检 ,同时采用聚合酶链反应—限制性酶切片段长度多态性技术 ,对所取得的标本 c- ki- ras基因第 12密码子突变进行检测 ,应用于胰腺癌的诊断。结果 :2 2例胰腺癌中有 2 1例有 c- ki- ras基因第 12密码子突变 ,多为 GGT变成 GAT、 GCT、 GTT,阳性率达 95 .4% ;而 16例慢性胰腺炎 ,壶腹癌、胰岛素瘤等均无 c- ki- ras基因第 12密码子突变。结论 :将超声引导下细针穿刺与胰腺癌 c-ki- ras基因第 12密码子突变检测相结合是诊断和鉴别诊断胰腺癌的有效方法 Objective : To explore the clinical application of ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration and gene detection in the early diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. METHODS: Ultrasound-guided fine-needle aspiration biopsy was performed on 38 cases of suspected pancreatic cancer and adjacent organ space-occupying lesions. Biopsy was performed using polymerase chain reaction-restriction fragment length polymorphism. The mutation of the 12th codon of the c-kiras gene in the specimen was examined for the diagnosis of pancreatic cancer. RESULTS: Of the 22 cases of pancreatic cancer, 21 had a mutation in codon 12 of the c-kiras gene. Most of them were GGT, GAT, GCT, and GTT. The positive rate was 95.4%; 16 cases of chronic pancreatitis. There was no mutation at codon 12 of the c-kiras gene in ampullary carcinoma and insulinoma. Conclusion: The combination of ultrasound-guided fine needle aspiration and mutation detection of codon 12 of co-ki-ras gene in pancreatic cancer is an effective method for the diagnosis and differential diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.
中午在餐厅吃完饭,我慢慢地喝着那杯茶。茶并不怎么好,难得的是那天下午并没有什么赶着做的事,因此就慢慢地一口一口地啜着。  柜台那里有个女孩在打电话,这餐厅的外墙整个是一面玻璃,阳光流泻一室。有趣的是那女孩的侧影便整个印在墙上,她人长得平常,侧影却极美。侧影定在墙上,像一幅画。  我坐着,欣赏这幅画。奇怪,为什么别人都不看这幅美人图呢?连那女孩自己也忙着说个不停,她也没空看一下自己美丽的侧影。而侧影
不良情绪早发现  孩子动不动就哭、爱发脾气、凡事以自我为中心、跟小朋友玩不到一起等,都是宝宝有不良情绪的表现。孩子不良情绪的产生并非一朝一夕,而是日积月累的结果。所以平时大人更需要用心照料孩子的饮食起居,细心观察孩子的生活学习,及时根据孩子的情绪作出相应的饮食调理。  以自我为中心,急躁易激动  豆豆是个4岁的男孩,爷爷奶奶宠爱豆豆,豆豆在家里衣来伸手,饭来张口,但凡哪里不顺他的心意便会大发雷霆。