我们五位钓友于今年5月中旬相约,带上准备了几个月的钓具和生活用品,经过七十余公里的路程,乘车来到伊犁河头湖地区安营扎寨。这里是中哈边境的边缘地带,因很少有人往来,故基本上保持了新疆所特有的原始粗犷自然风光。深草、胡杨、野沙枣林夹着蜿蜒的伊犁河铺展在人们面前,真是一片“塞外桃源”。我们五位钓友中,年龄最大的74岁,最小的也63岁了。来到河边,大家精神焕发,不知疲劳地背着钓具争先恐后地沿着河湾选择钓点。 这里因水流湍急,各种鱼竿都派不上用场,我们都用“甩排钩”钓法。主线用直径1毫米“华表”
Five of our fishing friends met in mid-May of this year and brought fishing gear and household items prepared for a few months. After more than seventy kilometers of public transportation, they came to settle in Yitouheitou area. Here is the fringe of the border between China and Kazakhstan. Due to the fact that there are seldom people come and go, the primitive and wild natural scenery unique to Xinjiang is basically maintained. Deep grass, Populus euphratica, wild sand jujube forest sandwiched meandering Ili River spreading in front of people, is really a “Sentinel.” Among our five fishing friends, the youngest is 74 and the youngest is 63. Came to the river, everyone is full of energy, tirelessly carrying a fishing tackle scrambling along the river bay choose fishing spots. Due to the fast-moving water here, all kinds of fishing rod are useless, we all use “throwing hook” fishing method. The main line with a diameter of 1 mm “Hua table”