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实施西部大开发战略三年来,国家加大了对西部地区建设资金投入的力度,中央财政性建设资金用于西部开发约2700亿元。长期建设国债资金有1/3以上用于西部开发,达1600多亿元。中央财政对西部地区转移支付约3000亿元。西部地区金融机构各项贷款余额增加6000多亿元。国家在西部地区新开工了36项重点工程,投资总规模6000多亿元,到2002年底已完成2000多亿元。三年多来,西部地区投资和经济加快增长,城乡面貌出现新气象。2000~2002年,西部地区固定资产投资年均增长18.8%,比全国平均水平高出将近6个百分点,其中2002年增长22.4%。国内生产总值年均增长9%,比1999年的7.2%明显加快,其中2002年增长9.9%。西部地区与全国各地经济增长速度的差距由1999年的1.5个百分点,缩小为2002年的0.6个百分点。 党的十六大明确提出,要把积极推进西部大开发、促进区域经济协调发展,作为今后20年必须集中力量抓好的重大问题。西部大开发要打好基础、扎实推进,重点抓好基础设施和生态环境建设,争取十年内取得突破性进展。三年来的西部大开发,既有可圈可点的成就,也存在不少问题和困难,当前更需要群策群力,为推动西部大开发的健康发展,再添一把柴,把火烧得更旺。 In the three years since the implementation of the strategy for the great development of the western region, the state has stepped up its efforts to invest capital in the construction of the western region. The central government has spent a mere 270 billion yuan of funds for the development of the western part of China. Long-term construction of treasury bonds with more than one-third for the development of the western region, reaching more than 160 billion yuan. The central government will transfer some 300 billion yuan to the western region. The loan balances of financial institutions in the western region have increased by more than 600 billion yuan. The country started 36 new key projects newly in the western region with a total investment of more than 600 billion yuan. By the end of 2002, it had completed more than 200 billion yuan. In the past three years or more, investments and economy in the western region have accelerated their growth and new urban and rural areas have emerged. From 2000 to 2002, the investment in fixed assets in the western region witnessed an average annual increase of 18.8%, nearly 6 percentage points higher than the national average, with an increase of 22.4% in 2002. The average annual GDP growth of 9%, significantly faster than 7.2% in 1999, of which an increase of 9.9% in 2002. The gap between the economic growth in the western region and that in other parts of the country shrank from 1.5 percentage points in 1999 to 0.6 percentage points in 2002. The 16th National Congress of the CPC explicitly stated that it is necessary to actively push forward the great development of the western region and promote the coordinated development of regional economy as the major issue that must be focused on in the next 20 years. In order to lay a solid foundation for the large-scale development of the western region and make solid progress, we will focus our efforts on infrastructure construction and ecological environment construction and strive for a breakthrough in 10 years. The western development in the past three years has both remarkable achievements and many problems and difficulties. At present, it is even more necessary to work together in a concerted manner. To promote the sound development of the western development, we should add another piece of firewood to make the fire burn even more.
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