我矿自1980年引进法国SIRUS—400型采煤机,经过五年多时间的使用,感到它确有一定的优点。但牵引部液压系统故障较多,其中又以主油泵故障次数比较突出。根据1982年10月至1983年10月的统计,因故障导致更换牵引部及主油泵达20台次之多,占采煤机停产误时的40%。针对此薄弱环节,我们改变了主油泵的转速。改速后的牵引部主油泵,运行状况明显好转,故障大大减少。从1984年10月至1985年10月,主油泵故障只有二次。说明牵引部主油泵改速对减少采煤机故障十分有效。现将改速的具体做法及一些技术问题阐述如下。 SIRUS—400型采煤机牵引部主油泵是双铰斜轴式轴向柱塞变量泵,是采煤机主要
I mine since the introduction of the French SIRUS-400 Shearer in 1980, after more than five years of use, I feel it does have certain advantages. However, hydraulic traction system more problems, of which the number of failures of the main pump more prominent. According to the statistics from October 1982 to October 1983, as many as 20 tractor units and main oil pumps were replaced due to faults, accounting for 40% of the time when the shearer stopped production. In response to this weakness, we changed the main pump speed. After the drafting of the main traction pump, operating conditions improved significantly, the fault greatly reduced. From October 1984 to October 1985, the main pump failed only twice. Description of the main traction pump traction speed to reduce the failure of shearer is very effective. Now the specific practices of speeding up and some technical issues are as follows. SIRUS-400 shearer traction main oil pump is a double hinge axis variable axial piston pump, is the main coal shearer