Chinese Girl Coaches Madonna in Yuga

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  Yue Yi was a Chinese girl studying in USA in the summer of 2008 when she saw an ad online seeking dancing coaches for a high-end club. With a background of professional training in her younger years, Yue sent her application. After rounds of examinations and interviews, she and sixteen others were hired.
  January 23, 2009 was her first day working at the club. Each of the new coaches was handed an envelope, inside of which was the information of a client. Yue Yi opened her envelope and to her huge surprise, she was assigned to work with Madonna.
  Yue immediately felt all the jitters: a woman of world renown for nearly thirty years in showbiz, with three failed marriages and a strong will.
  Following the direction in the envelope, Yue Yi arrived at the house of Madonna in New York the next day. She pressed the doorbell and the door was opened. The first impression was amazing: flowers everywhere against a background of light green walls and light yellow window curtains; the air indoor was fresh due to open windows.
  In the gym on the second floor, Yue met Madonna. Madonna was practicing and Yue found it hard to believe the woman of striking beauty and striking flexibility was nearly 50 years of age.
  At the request of Madonna, Yue and Madonna danced together freely in the melody of “Celebration” to get acquainted with each other. Yue gradually relaxed. After the free dance session, Yue Yi asked Madonna why the woman with a perfect body was willing to work out under the guidance of a fitness coach.
  The answer of the Material Girl was somewhat unexpected. Madonna said that fitness was more than shaping and that she cared very much about how to keep herself in an excellent condition through fitness sessions. Yue Yi then started the first Yuga session. She found that Madonna was in excellent shape.
  Yue Yi guided Madonna to do Yuga three times a week according to the arrangement. But at the end of a session in late February 2009, Madonna said she would cut down the sessions to twice a week. She explained that she was in love and that she wanted to give her romance more time.
  Madonna gave Yue a brief account of her latest romance with Brazilian model Jesus Luz, who was 28 years younger. The two first met in December, 2008 when Madonna was in Rio for a show. Luz invited Madonna to have dinner after the show. Back in New York in January, Madonna found her partner in a photo session was Luz. The reunion with Luz convinced Madonna that they were destined. That year, Madonna was 51 years old.
  Madonna asked Yue Yi what she thought of her latest romance. Yue Yi was silent because she thought she did not have an answer that would satisfy her employer. Madonna said she was not to blame for her three divorces. She was not going to marry Luz though she was really in love with Luz.
  Yue Yi cut down the sessions and came to coach Madonna twice a week. One day, Yue Yi unexpectedly met Luz at the door of Madonna’s house. Madonna refused to see Luz. Luz was totally puzzled. Before leaving, Luz asked Yue if she could ask Madonna what had happened.
  Yue was astounded to find Madonna look a little bit downhearted. Madonna was most willing to explain what had happened between her and Luz. It turned out that Madonna seemingly burnt out physically. Sometimes all she wanted was a hug, but Luz wanted more.
  The next time Yue Yi arrived at the house with a new solution. She had worked for four days to design a Yuga practice. On April 21, 20009, Yue Yi started a special Yuga course. She wanted Madonna to take a bath before starting the session. Madonna found the request most unorthodox. Taking a bath and eating food half an hour before or after a Yuga session was a taboo to her. But Yue Yi’s design was very special. She fetched a total array of herbal extracts and drew a very hot bath.
  The regimen worked. After a month, Madonna felt her passion had come back. However, Madonna distanced herself again from Luz in June 2009 when accidentally she overheard a heartbreakingly sharp comment on the age disparity between her and Luz.
  Yue Yi designed a special course for both Madonna and Luz, thinking it might help the relationship. It did. In November 2009, Madonna visited Luz’s parents.
  In early December 2009, Yue Yi moved on with her life and decided to resign from the club. The farewell gift from Madonna was a letter wrapped in a gift box. In the letter was a short poem composed by Madonna. Yue Yi was glad to receive the gift. The experience of working as a private Yuga coach allowed her to peep into the secret of life: confidence, health and diligence all contribute to a woman’s happiness and independence.□
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