The relationship between the saphenous vein and its peripheral nerves was observed on the lower extremities of 33 adults (26 males, 7 females, and 66 sides). From the knee seam down to the lateral malleolus tip is divided into seven equally divided planes, measuring the distance between the saphenous vein and the adjacent nerves in each plane. Small saphenous vein through the tibial nerve medial injection of popliteal vein (77.2%), through the tibia and peroneal nerve injection accounted for 22.8%. At the popliteal fossa, the small saphenous vein is located posterior to the tibial nerve, nearest the nerve 1 cm below the joint joint, averaging 1.8 mm, with a slight increase in spacing upwards. The common peroneal nerve is located outside the small saphenous vein, 9 cm above the knee joints from the venous nearest, downward interval gradually increased. Due to the lateral sural nerve and sural nerve traffic showed downward convex arc, the upper and lower end closer to the vein, while the upper and the most far from the vein. The lateral sural cutaneous nerve at the second level is farthest from the vein with an average of 30 mm and the sural nerve traffic branch is furthest at the first level with an average of 17 mm. The branch of the traffic branch closest to the saphenous vein (<3 mm) at the 5th level coincides with the medial sural cutaneous nerve. The medial sural cutaneous nerve has a close relationship with the saphenous vein, and 46% of the nerves traverse the muscle In the superficial layer, walk a certain distance and then submerge. It is basically deep and venous venous position, from top to bottom, spacing down. Sural nerve and the most closely related to the small saphenous vein, from the beginning of synthesis, it gradually phase with the small saphenous vein attached to the line, and more located in the lateral venous, some of the specimens have a cross, the more cross-vein in the superficial, with nerve From the outside cross to the veins are more common. Small saphenous vein and sural nerve with independent fascia sleeve. The clinical significance of the relationship between the small saphenous vein and peripheral nerves was discussed and compared with the relevant data at home and abroad.