
来源 :花木盆景(花卉园艺) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:a111222aaa
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芦荟(Aloe arboresoens),别名油葱、龙角、狼牙掌等。属百合科芦荟属多年生常绿性肉质草本花卉。它的形态奇特,全部叶子均抱住基茎而生,节间较短,其叶肥厚多汁,狭长披针形、呈螺旋状排列。叶片常年葱翠碧绿,且叶边具有刺状小齿,好似虎齿狼牙,耐人欣赏寻味。总状花序自叶丛中抽出,花呈黄色或橙色,也偶有白色,极为艳丽醒目。既适合布置庭院,又宜点缀厅堂、居室,一年四季均受到人们的垂爱。芦荟原产南非,性喜阳光和温暖湿润的环境,不耐寒,亦不耐阴,在荫蔽环境下多不开花。在北方地区一般作盆栽,要求用排水良好的沙壤土。芦荟生长较快,宜每年春季换盆,换盆时可将老株去掉作药用或作繁殖材料用,另选大小适中的幼株栽入盆内,换盆时掺少量腐熟的有机肥碎末作基肥,生长季节可不必另外再施追肥。新上盆的植株要控制浇水,开始时只要盆土微湿润即可,约两周后,幼株长出新根,浇水可稍多些,促其快速生长。芦荟在春、夏、初 Aloe (Aloe arboresoens), alias oil onion, dragon horn, wolf tooth palm and so on. Liliaceae Aloe is a perennial evergreen fleshy herbaceous flowers. Its peculiar shape, all the leaves are clinging to the base of stems, internodes shorter, juicy leaves thick, long, narrow spiral-shaped arrangement. Leaf perennial verdant green, and the leaf edge with spiny-like small teeth, like the tooth spike, resistant to people appreciate the search. Racemes from the leaves plexus out, flowers were yellow or orange, occasionally white, very gorgeous eye-catching. Not only suitable for the layout of the courtyard, but also embellishment hall, bedroom, all year round by people’s love. Aloe native South Africa, like the sun and warm and humid environment, not cold, nor shade-tolerant, and more in the shade of the environment is not flowering. In the northern region generally for potted plants, requires the use of well-drained sandy loam. Aloe vera grow faster, should be the annual spring basin, when the basin can be removed for the old strain for medicinal or reproductive material, another selection of medium-sized young plants planted in the basin, while changing the pot with a small amount of maturity of organic fertilizer As a base fertilizer, the growing season may not need to re-apply fertilizer. New plants on the pot to control the watering, beginning as long as the basin of soil can be moist, about two weeks later, young plants grow new roots, watering can be slightly more, and promote its rapid growth. Aloe vera in spring, summer, early
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