Acorus calamus is a highly valued medicinal plant with globaldistribution used in several drugs of health care systems. We evaluatedthe genetic diversity and population structure of 50 populations of A.calamus from different geographical regions in India through RAPD andchloroplast microsatellite markers. From the total screened 82 RAPDprimers and 18 cpSSR primers, 10 RAPD and nine cpSSRs were foundpolymorphic. The selected 10 RAPD primers produced a total of 96reproducible bands, out of which 65 were polymorphic (67.70%).Whereas, the selected nine cpSSR markers produced 26 alleles and all ofthem were polymorphic. The mean genetic diversity (H) among popula-tions using RAPD (H= 0.263) and cpSSR (H=0.530) markers washigher in comparison to the mean genetic diversity within populations.Mean coefficient of gene differentiation (G) between the populationswas also high for both RAPD (G=0.830) and cpSSR markers (G=0.735), whereas the estimated gene flow was very low for RAPD (Nm =0.102) and for cpSSR (Nm = 0.179). AMOVA analysis revealed thatmore genetic variation resided among the populations than within popu-lations. Significant differences (p < 0.001) were observed between thepopulations and individuals within the populations. Cluster analysis ofRAPD and cpSSR data using UPGMA algorithm based on Neis geneticsimilarity matrix placed the 50 populations into two main clusters. Theimplication of the results of this study in devising strategy for conserva-tion of A. Calamus is discussed.