从股票到房地产,在经历了一波又一波的投资热潮之后, 最新的投资热点无疑将是文化创意产业。据测算,我国文化产业以年均15%的速度增长,产值达到6000亿元人民币,并且,按目前的情况计算,还有6000-7000亿人民币的市场空间。对于精明的投资者,这无疑是一个极具吸引力的朝阳产业。文化产业兴起,是经济发展的结果。目前我们处在一个文化经济迅猛发展,各国争相瓜分文化产业地盘的时代。在
From stocks to real estate, after a wave of investment boom, the latest investment hot spot will undoubtedly be the cultural and creative industries. It has been estimated that China’s cultural industry has grown at an average annual rate of 15% with an output value of 600 billion yuan. In addition, according to the current situation, there is still a market space of 600-700 billion yuan. For astute investors, this is undoubtedly an attractive sunrise industry. The rise of cultural industries is the result of economic development. At present, we are in an era of rapid cultural and economic development and the various countries competing and sharing the site of the cultural industry. in