高高的苗岭里,迂回穿行着一条河。那是兄弟河。这条藏在深山峡谷里的河,文静、秀丽。她在山里流,在山里转。流是清清朗朗湍湍的流,转是缠缠绵绵柔柔的转。几多温存几多情……就在这么一条清朗绵柔的河上,筑起了一座巍巍大坝,又哗哗流出一个亮铮铮的人物来。大家说一说,我们是当模范,还是做囚犯? 1983年冬。兄弟河不平静了。省、州、县三级要在这条河里投资3200万元,新建一座一万千瓦的水电站。这一笔款子,别说十分贫困的花垣县,就是在湘西,也是一次十分可观的投入。这些钱,
High Miaoling, winding through a river. That is brother river. This river hidden in the deep canyon, quiet, beautiful. She flows in the mountains and turns in the mountains. Flow is clear and steady turbulent flow, transfer is entangled with soft and gentle turn. How much temperature how many feelings of love ... ... In such a clear and gentle river, built a towering dam, but also rushing out a bright clank figure. Everyone said, we are a model, or do prisoners? Winter of 1983. Brother River is not calm. Provincial, state and county levels to invest 32 million yuan in this river, a new 10,000-kilowatt hydropower station. This money, not to mention the very poor Huayuan County, is in western Hunan, but also a very impressive investment. The money,