外出购物,总免不了碰上排队这个老大难问题:长长的队伍似乎总排不完。不少人或许深有体会:身在队中,内心无比挣扎,究竟是一鼓作气排到底?还是换条队伍试试运气呢?近来,一款名为Zip Line的软件横空出世,号称屡试不爽的排队神器。其内置的红外感应器可迅速识别最快的队伍。这款软件由剑桥科技咨询公司打造,能够识别队伍长度与移动速度,从而为用户推荐最
Out shopping, always inevitably come across the queuing this long-standing problem: a long queue seems endless row. Many people may well experience: in the team, the heart extremely struggling, what is a bang in the end? Or change the team to try it? Recently, a software called Zip Line turned out to be known as time-tested line Artifact. Its built-in infrared sensor quickly identifies the fastest team. This software by the Cambridge technology consulting company to create, to identify the length and speed of the team, which is recommended for the user