花生 广州时代花生售楼处

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艺术这回事,有时候并不是那么阳春白雪,高高在上。它根植于生活、存在于生活,是对平常生活独特的理解,是以细枝末节的形式渗入平日点滴之中。色彩的搭配、空间的转换穿插、家具的形态……都是艺术的存在。如何向人们具象地诠释出艺术与生活的关联,是这个项目空间思考的核心内容。该项目是位于广州市白云区一处新开楼盘的售楼处。巨大的混凝土盒子,搭配大面积的落地玻璃窗,入口立面以线、面构成,质朴而现代感十足,更像是一座现代艺 Art is not the case, sometimes it is not spring and summer. It is rooted in life, exists in life, is a unique understanding of ordinary life, is in the form of minutiae into the daily drip. Color collocation, interspersed interspersed space, furniture form ... ... are the existence of art. How to interpret the relationship between art and life to people in a concrete way is the core of this project’s space thinking. The project is located in Guangzhou Baiyun District, a newly opened real estate sales offices. Huge concrete box, with a large area of ​​floor to ceiling windows, entrance façade line, surface composition, simple and modern full, more like a modern art