在主持中生活 在生活中感受

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电视主持人是一种特殊的工作,他(她)不是演员,但却是节目中的一个重要角色;他(她)不是编导,但现场的节目风格甚至内容走向,都在其临场的操控之下;他(她)不在节目的中心位置,但他(她)常常可能成为观众选择节目的主要理由。 电视主持人的定位受外界和自认两方面的制约:观众多半把主持 TV host is a special kind of work, he (she) is not an actor, but it is an important part of the program; he (she) is not director, but the style of the show or even the content of the scene, are in its spot control ; He (she) is not at the center of the show, but he (she) can often be the main reason why viewers choose shows. TV host position by the outside world and self-admission constraints: the audience mostly presided over
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