例1 女性,28岁,住院号163537。因风湿性心脏病,阵发性房颤于1982年11月20日住院。查体:两肺(-),心界向左下扩大,心率115次/分,心律绝对不齐,第一心音增强,心尖区闻及Ⅱ级收缩期吹风样杂音及舒张中晚期隆隆性杂音,主动脉瓣及第二主动脉瓣区闻及舒张早期返流性杂音。肝、脾未扪及。两下肢不肿。心电图示:房颤,Q—Tc0.44秒。1982年11月23日开始服用乙胺碘呋酮,每
Example 1 Female, 28 years old, hospital number 163537. Paroxysmal atrial fibrillation was hospitalized on November 20, 1982 because of rheumatic heart disease. Physical examination: both lungs (-), the heart bound to expand to the left, the heart rate 115 beats / min, the heart rhythm is absolutely missing, the first heart sound increased, apex area smell and Ⅱ grade systolic hair-like murmur and diastolic middle and late rumbling noise , Aortic valve and the second aortic valve area and early diastolic murmur. Liver, spleen not palpable. Two lower limbs are not swollen. ECG shows: atrial fibrillation, Q-Tc0.44 seconds. November 23, 1982 started taking amiodarone, each