中中小终端销售人员工作技能模型16 终端销售团队管理核心工具(二)——重点环节有标准

来源 :销售与市场(成长版) | 被引量 : 0次 | 上传用户:lucasyvette
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有人开玩笑说,外资企业就像一个电动剃须刀,所有新人都把脑袋伸进去刮脸,进去时不一样,出来时都一样!员工行为标准化,执行效果就会标准化——这正是外资企业强大执行力的源泉所在! Someone joked that foreign companies are like an electric razor, and all newcomers put their heads in to shave their face and go in. They are all the same when they come out! Standardization of employees’ behavior and standardization of implementation will be standardized – this is what makes foreign companies powerful. The source of execution power!
企业销售额大幅下滑的症结,是不是过去几年频频遭遇的专利纠纷? The crux of the sharp decline in corporate sales, is not the patent disputes frequently encountered