根据铝工业节能项目的规定,对郑州铝厂电解分厂75kA 敞开式边部加工电解槽进行局部改造试验。改造后产能提高,成本降低,并成为具有初级烟气净化效果的节能型电解槽。联合国开发计划署又委托瑞士铝业公司在郑州介绍了“瑞铝”的 EPTQ 型局部密闭点加料电解槽,并派两位专家来郑咨询。改造试验内容:
According to the provisions of the aluminum industry energy-saving projects, Zhengzhou Aluminum Plant electrolysis plant 75kA open edge processing electrolytic cell partial modification test. After the transformation of production capacity increase, reduce costs, and become a primary flue gas purification effect of energy-saving electrolysis cell. The United Nations Development Program also commissioned the Swiss Aluminum Company introduced in Zhengzhou, “Rui Aluminum” EPTQ partial airtight point feeding cell, and send two experts to consult Zheng. Reformation test content: